Moonlight Services

Pictures, Make up, Tattoos, Upscales and Poses.

Gpose Information

ToS and prices for gpose commissions can be found here, along with links to the portfolio

Make up

ToS and prices for make up commissions can be found here.


ToS and prices for tattoo commissions can be found here.


ToS and prices for upscales commissions can be found here.Do not click if not 18+


Where to find all my poses:
Simple thing you need to know:
Want one made? - DM me


Basic Info:

Data Centers
Style of pictures:
Relistic, but is able to flex to fantasy
Works best with (races):
Miqo, Au'ra, Hyur and Viera.
Works best with (Genders):
Female and Male.
Mulitsex posing:
Female/Female, Male/Male, Female/Male
Able to remove personal mods:
No. I will not do any pictures with my personal mods, but I do ask you either go vanilla or send MCDF. Will not be adding anymore mods into my pack.
Can do custom poses:
Time usually online:
10 am - 11 pm CST
Free to DM Directly:
Different Payment?:
Please contact Ray Directly.
**Will not just do normal in game screenshots. All will be edited to some extent.


All prices are base prices and are to be changed depending on the extra effort being put into the picture.Solo Pictures•Close up Face Picture: 300K
•Single person SFW picture : 400k
•Single person NSFW picture: 600k
Couple Pictures•Couple picture SFW picture: 500k
•Couple picture NSFW picture: 700k
Custom Poses•Single person SFW CUSTOM POSE WITH REFERENCE: 700k
Picture Extras•Crying edits: 400k
•Cum edits: 600k
•Wetness: 500k
•Other edits please ask Ray for priceEXTRA INFO
Extra people: SFW is 400k per person. NSFW is 500k per person.
If you need a person to do pictures with, Ray is happy to help get you a second character or to loan one of her characters.
All prices are base prices and are to be changed depending on the extra effort being put into the picture.

Terms and Conditions:

Pictures come at a price per picture. Payment will be handed first and then Ray will spend the time to make your lovely pictures. (There will be deals now and then on the price) All payments are to be paid on the data center Ray is on, unless discussed before hand with the photographer or other form is agreed upon. Once Ray has started working, she will not be able to issue a refund. All sales are final
Ray is happy to work with people to make the picture they want, but she will not be demanded things. If she is to do your picture, she does ask for respect while she works. Ray can and will refuse to work for anyone if you come to her with a negative attitude. Please also respect that our RL always comes first. If she has things going on, she will schedule time that it will work for both of you rather than put off her RL.
Ray asks that if you would like something specific to please give her the time to work on it. Some poses take time to get just right. All details are to be talked about before hand. She will not retake multiple pictures if details were also not talked about prior. Once a picture is done, it is done. All details are to be discussed prior to taking the pictures. If you don't want to choose an outfit or pose then you are giving Ray free rein to decide. If you are not giving an MCDF then Ray will be choosing an outfit based on either in game clothing or mods that she already has installed. If you do not like a choice Ray made for you, then you will have to pay for a second picture that covers more details. Ray will not redo the same picture with any changes. Once a picture is complete, and sent then it is marked off as done.
Ray will be only taking MCDF files from now on. The only rare exception will be chara files. This has to be talked about before hand and this will not guarantee that Ray will work with it. Ray will not download any mod for your character. This takes the strain off Ray's PC.
It is not Ray's responsibility to find mods for you. Ray will not find mods for you to customize your character. If you send an MCDF, please know that is the look you will be getting. MCDF's can't be changed or adjusted. If you want to use your Chara, then your character will be vanilla. There will be no extra mods added, unless they are clothing that Ray has already installed.
Ray has a certain style with pictures, if you hire her you hire for the style. If you are wanting something outside of what she normally can do, she can try, however it will not be the best quality due to the face she is not used to that kind of style.
Ray's style includes, but not limited to;
Model shots.
Pin up.
Please talk to Ray before hand if there is any other kind of theme that you are wanting.
- Please know that also with the style, she will no longer just be doing normal screenshots. Every picture will be edited in some way shape or form.
Any Pictures that Ray takes for you may be used in any way you want, however the one thing that she asks is that you not be using the pictures in the WCIF server to find mods that she has put on your character when you didn't give her mods to use.
This is both very rude and she may refuse to work with you again is you do this. If you are interested in a mod that she uses on your character, ASK her.
Due to the amount of people wanting large orders, this puts a lot of stress on Ray. She asks that you order no more than what is listed in the Examples at a time in order to make sure you get them in a fashionable time frame and to relive pressure from herself. If you are wanting more than what is listed at a time, please space them out for her to have more time to do them all.
-Three SOLO shots
-Two COUPLE shots
Due to some external circumstances with people claiming pictures as they own, watermark will be now added to the pictures, Removal of watermarks, potentially void all future hiring.
Ray is happy to do all kinds of pictures for you, however will NOT take part in posing the following:
Extreme Kinks such as, but not limited to -
Murder kinks, Bestiality, Noncon, or anything with bodily fluids (cum excluded)
If you have any questions about this, please message Ray directly.
This is set in place to keep Ray comfortable while producing the kind of pictures you would like.

All pictures taken are going to be used in portfolios.
There is no exception to this. Portfolio are how I show my work, and how others know what I am able to do. If you need me not to post if for a few days, that is fine, however at the end it will be showing up in the portfolio

I reserve the right to deny services to a client at any time. While this is rare, some situations that may involve revocation are harassment, stalking, lewd or inappropriate behaviors from the client, and ignoring non-consent. This also includes breaking any of the terms and conditions listed above. I am also not required nor held responsible to give a reason for denying a service.No refunds upon order. Tips are not refunded.Need an order rushed? Please talk to Ray about the cost for thisTools used: FFXIV, Anamnesis, Brio, Glamourer, Penumbra, photoshop, upscaling program to 4k

How to make a MCDF File:

- Open the Mare Synchronos settings by clicking the gear icon in the top corner.- Go to the Export & Storage tab.- Check the "I understand" box.- Name your file.- Click Export Character as MCDF.DO NOT MOVE OR CHANGE ANYTHING ON YOUR CHARACTER UNTIL THE EXPORT IS COMPLETE! If you do there is a chance you will break the export and the MCDF will not turn out correctly.

Make up

Contact Information:
Discord: zonneschijn



Custom Make up• Eyes only: $10
• Lips only: $10
• Full coverage (Simple): $20
• Full coverage (Complex): $40
• Extra details: $5+
Coverage comes with nose and cheeks if wished upon.Private Make up• Private (Simple): $40
• Private (Complex): $50
These prices are added on to the normal price of the make up
Scale colors
• One set: $20
This is added on to the originals due to how much time and effort that it takes to recolor scalesAll prices are base prices and are to be changed depending on the extra effort being put into the product

Terms and Conditions:

All products do not need to be paid upfront, though a deposit will have to be paid for time and effort working on this. This deposit is NONREFUNDABLE. This if for Ray's time and effort to work on the project. Once complete the product will be sent after the remanding of the payment is sent. The prices vary on what you are looking to have done. If you do not pay for a private, it will be released on the Ko-fi after about 1 week.
If you choose to pay all up front - Once Ray has started working, she will not be able to issue a refund. All sales are final
Ray will give updates as the work is being done or when requested. Ray asks that you are patient and respectful about the time it takes to be put into the work. If wanting small changes, as updates are sent, let Ray know as the update is sent.
Ray asks that if you would like something specific to please give her the time to work on it. The product takes a while to complete and will most likely not be done right away. If you give the designs you want on the tattoo, please make it known before hand if those can be re-used or not for future projects.
All details for the product are to be talked about prior to work. Any references will be sent right to Ray. She will not be redoing any work or changing anything once completed. Once it is all confirmed then work will start.
If you are unhappy after payment and completion product is given, and you decide to harass, flame, or attack Ray on any social media due to this - Ray has every right to release the product free for public use. - Any form of Slander falls in this category
Once the Mod pack has been sent over, after approved in looks, and after the rest of the payment, Ray is then not obligated to work on the tattoo/make up anymore. If she does, it will only be for minor fixes due to the approval before being sent over.

I reserve the right to deny services to a client at any time. While this is rare, some situations that may involve revocation are harassment, stalking, lewd or inappropriate behaviors from the client, and ignoring non-consent. This also includes breaking any of the terms and conditions listed above. I am also not required nor held responsible to give a reason for denying a service.No refunds upon order. Tips are not refunded.Tools used: Penumbra, TextTools, photoshop

Private Previews


Contact Information:
Discord: zonneschijn

Public Showcase:
(Privates are down on this page)


Custom Tattoo• Only one detail: $10
• Half body: $30
• Full Body: $50
Private Tattoo• Only one detail: $10
• Half body: $20
• Full Body: $40
Glow• One detail: $10
• Body/tattoo details: $50
• $20
This will be added to the price of a private tattoo
Private and glow -These prices are added on to the normal price of the tattooAll prices are base prices and are to be changed depending on the extra effort being put into the product.

Terms and Conditions:

All products do not need to be paid upfront, though a deposit will have to be paid for time and effort working on this. This deposit is NONREFUNDABLE. This if for Ray's time and effort to work on the project. Once complete the product will be sent after the remanding of the payment is sent. The prices vary on what you are looking to have done. If you do not pay for a private, it will be released on the Ko-fi after about 1 week.
If you choose to pay all up front - Once Ray has started working, she will not be able to issue a refund. All sales are final
Ray will give updates as the work is being done or when requested. Ray asks that you are patient and respectful about the time it takes to be put into the work. If wanting small changes, as updates are sent, let Ray know as the update is sent.
Ray asks that if you would like something specific to please give her the time to work on it. The product takes a while to complete and will most likely not be done right away. If you give the designs you want on the tattoo, please make it known before hand if those can be re-used or not for future projects.
All details for the product are to be talked about prior to work. Any references will be sent right to Ray. She will not be redoing any work or changing anything once completed. Once it is all confirmed then work will start. Two revisions on design can happen however any additional change in full design will be extra cost at the end.
If you are unhappy after payment and completion product is given, and you decide to harass, flame, or attack Ray on any social media due to this - Ray has every right to release the product free for public use. - Any form of Slander falls in this category
Once the Mod pack has been sent over, after approved in looks, and after the rest of the payment, Ray is then not obligated to work on the tattoo/make up anymore. If she does, it will only be for minor fixes due to the approval before being sent over.

I reserve the right to deny services to a client at any time. While this is rare, some situations that may involve revocation are harassment, stalking, lewd or inappropriate behaviors from the client, and ignoring non-consent. This also includes breaking any of the terms and conditions listed above. I am also not required nor held responsible to give a reason for denying a service.No refunds upon order. Tips are not refunded.Tools used: Penumbra, TextTools, Blender, photoshop

Private PreviewsBlurred Due to NSFW

spectralraijin's Private
4 piece

scottishcatte PrivateScars added

missmomo PrivateFull + 2 Skins

marikiva Private
2 Piece

Laphicet Private
DT Scale transfer / recolor of face and tail

*Extra Privates


Contact Information:
Discord: zonneschijn


Body types:
• Bimbo
• Tre


• Only one detail: $5
EXAMPLE: Shirt or bottoms
• Half body: $10
EXAMPLE: Bathing suit - Skimpy clothing- Not a lot to work with.
• Full Body: $20
EXAMPLE: Multiple pieces of clothing - Jacket, belt, leg items.
All prices are base prices and are to be changed depending on the extra effort being put into the product along with how many items need to be upscaled

Terms and Conditions:

All products do not need to be paid upfront, though a deposit will have to be paid for time and effort working on this. This deposit is NONREFUNDABLE. This if for Ray's time and effort to work on the project. Once complete the product will be sent after the remanding of the payment is sent. The prices vary on what you are looking to have done.
If you choose to pay all up front - Once Ray has started working, she will not be able to issue a refund. All sales are final
Ray will give updates as the work is being done or when requested. Ray asks that you are patient and respectful about the time it takes to be put into the work. If wanting small changes, as updates are sent, let Ray know as the update is sent.
Ray asks that if you would like something specific to please give her the time to work on it. The product takes a while to complete and will most likely not be done right away. If you give the designs you want on the tattoo, please make it known before hand if those can be re-used or not for future projects.
Body type and mod wanting to upscale will be sent to Ray. All the details with the upscale will be discussed prior to work starting. She will not be redoing any work or changing anything once confirmed completed. Once it is all confirmed then work will start.
Ray doesn't do vanilla upscales whether it is pure vanilla or a mashup. This being said, she is not responsible for your customize settings, your modded idles nor tattoos. She does the upscale based on the original body that you request, not your scaling.
If there is more than one outfit style (not pattern) then please specify in writing which exact one you would like and do not save it until completion to inform her it is wrong.
All upscale testing is done without scaling and vanilla idle stance.6.
If you are unhappy after payment and completion product is given, and you decide to harass, flame, or attack Ray on any social media due to this - Ray has every right to release the product free for public use. - Any form of Slander falls in this category
Once the Mod pack has been sent over, after approved in looks, and after the rest of the payment, Ray is then not obligated to work on the upscale anymore. If she does, it will only be for minor fixes due to the approval before being sent over.

I reserve the right to deny services to a client at any time. While this is rare, some situations that may involve revocation are harassment, stalking, lewd or inappropriate behaviors from the client, and ignoring non-consent. This also includes breaking any of the terms and conditions listed above. I am also not required nor held responsible to give a reason for denying a service.No refunds upon order. Tips are not refunded.Tools used: Penumbra, TextTools, Blender

